Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Drug-induced liver injury: A management position paper from the Latin American Association for Study of the liver 

      Bessone, Fernando; Hernandez, Nelia; Tagle, Martin; Arrese, Marco; Parana, Raymundo; Méndez-Sánchez, Nahum; Ridruejo, Ezequiel; Mendizabal, Manuel; Dagher, Lucy; Contreras, Fernando; Fassio, Eduardo; Pessoa, Mario; Brahm, Javier; Silva, Marcelo (Annals of Hepatology, 2021)
      Idiosyncratic drug-induced liver injury (DILI) caused by xenobiotics (drugs, herbals and dietary supplements) is an uncommon cause of liver disease presenting with a wide range of phenotypes and disease severity, acute ...
    • Latin American Association for the study of the liver recommendations on treatment of Hepatitis C 

      Méndez-Sánchez, Nahum; Paraná, Raymundo; Cheinquer, Hugo; Alves de Mattos, Angelo; Gadano, Adrian; Silva, Marcelo; Pessôa, Mario G.; Gomes-Ferraz, Maria L.; Soza, Alejandro; Mendes-Correa, M. Cassia; Chávez-Tapia, Norberto C.; Dagher, Lucy; Padilla, Martín; Hernandez, Nelia; Sánchez-Avila, Juan F.; Contreras, Fernando; Moraes-Coelho, Henrique S.; Paris, Edison R.; Paris, Edison R.; Bessone, Fernando; Uribe, Misael (Annals of Hepatology, 2014-08)
      The following recommendations provide an approach to the establishment of guidelines for the diagnosis, management, and treatment of hepatitis C virus infection. These guidelines are based on a formal analysis and review ...