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dc.contributor.advisorPimentel, Rubén Darío
dc.contributor.advisorManzur, Jaime Jorge
dc.contributor.authorPolanco Coronado, Susana
dc.identifier.citationPolanco Coronado S. Análisis sobre la calidad de vida de la mujer climatérica influenciado por su perfil antropométrico Hospital Universitario Maternidad Nuestra Señora de la Altagracia, Febrero-Agosto, 2019. [Trabajo de grado]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña; 2019. Disponible enen_US
dc.description.abstractEl climaterio es una situación fisiológica de la mujer en el que hay una transición de la fase reproductiva a la no reproductiva. Desde el punto de vista médico, la menopausia consiste en la desaparición de la función de un órgano endocrino (el ovario), lo que condiciona una privación estrogénica ocasionado alteraciones de múltiples sistemas que se engloban en el síndrome climatérico. Por si misma la menopausia supone un factor de riesgo para deterioro de la calidad de vida, pero no todas las mujeres la perciben de igual manera. Por lo tanto, los objetivos de este estudio es evaluar la influencia del perfil antropométrico sobre la calidad de vida de la mujer climatérica. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó estudio observacional, descriptivo, de recolección prospectiva de datos, en consulta ginecológica en el Hospital Universitario Maternidad Nuestra Señora de la Altagracia en República Dominicana, en 200 mujeres que se presentaban con doce meses de ausencia de menstruación, a las que se les aplico la escala de Cervantes y el índice de Blatt Kupperman. Resultados. El síndrome climatérico se presenta a una edad promedio de 47±4. Se encontró una correlación significativa entre el perímetro abdominal y el IMC que resultaron directamente proporcionales a la puntuación en las escalas. Asimismo, como a mayor IMC y perímetro abdominal, mayor afectación de la calidad de vida. La escolaridad no fue influyente para el síndrome climatérico. Conclusiones. El sobrepeso y obesidad es mayor a la edad de 47 a 54 años de edad. La escolaridad alta es un factor de riesgo para los síntomas depresivos en la menopausia. Mantener un peso saludable disminuye la afectación del síndrome climatérico, pero no lo evita. El síntoma más frecuente fue el insomnio. Las crisis de bochornos solo aparecen en un tercio de las mujeres climatéricas/menopaúsicas. La melancolía y vértigos son los síntomas menos notables en el climaterio para este estudio. The climacteric is a physiological situation of women in which there is a transition from the reproductive to the non-reproductive phase. From a medical point of view, menopause consists in the disappearance of the function of an endocrine organ (the ovary), which determines an estrogenic deprivation caused alterations of multiple systems that are included in the climacteric syndrome. Menopause itself is a risk factor for deteriorating quality of life, but not all women perceive it equally. Therefore, the objectives of this study is to evaluate the influence of the anthropometric profile on the quality of life of the climacteric woman. Materials and methods. An observational, descriptive study of prospective data collection was conducted, in gynecological consultation at the Maternity Hospital Nuestra Señora de la Altagracia in the Dominican Republic, in 200 women who presented with twelve months of absence of menstruation, which were I apply the Cervantes scale and the Blatt Kupperman index. Results. The climacteric syndrome presents at an average age of 47 ± 4. A significant correlation was found between the abdominal perimeter and the BMI that were directly proportional to the score on the scales. Likewise, as with a higher BMI and abdominal perimeter, greater impact on the quality of life. Schooling was not influential for climacteric syndrome. Conclusions. Overweight and obesity is greater than the age of 47 to 54 years of age. High schooling is a risk factor for depressive symptoms in menopause. Maintaining a healthy weight decreases the involvement of the climacteric syndrome, but does not prevent it. The most frequent symptom was insomnia. Hot flashes only appear in one third of menopausal / climacteric women. Melancholy and dizziness are the least notable symptoms in the climacteric for this study.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe climacteric is a physiological situation of women in which there is a transition from the reproductive to the non-reproductive phase. From a medical point of view, menopause consists in the disappearance of the function of an endocrine organ (the ovary), which determines an estrogenic deprivation caused alterations of multiple systems that are included in the climacteric syndrome. Menopause itself is a risk factor for deteriorating quality of life, but not all women perceive it equally. Therefore, the objectives of this study is to evaluate the influence of the anthropometric profile on the quality of life of the climacteric woman. Materials and methods. An observational, descriptive study of prospective data collection was conducted, in gynecological consultation at the Maternity Hospital Nuestra Señora de la Altagracia in the Dominican Republic, in 200 women who presented with twelve months of absence of menstruation, which were I apply the Cervantes scale and the Blatt Kupperman index. Results. The climacteric syndrome presents at an average age of 47 ± 4. A significant correlation was found between the abdominal perimeter and the BMI that were directly proportional to the score on the scales. Likewise, as with a higher BMI and abdominal perimeter, greater impact on the quality of life. Schooling was not influential for climacteric syndrome. Conclusions. Overweight and obesity is greater than the age of 47 to 54 years of age. High schooling is a risk factor for depressive symptoms in menopause. Maintaining a healthy weight decreases the involvement of the climacteric syndrome, but does not prevent it. The most frequent symptom was insomnia. Hot flashes only appear in one third of menopausal / climacteric women. Melancholy and dizziness are the least notable symptoms in the climacteric for this study.
dc.publisherSanto Domingo: Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureñaen_US
dc.subjectCalidad de vidaen_US
dc.titleAnálisis sobre la calidad de vida de la mujer climatérica influenciado por su perfil antropométrico Hospital Universitario Maternidad Nuestra Señora de la Altagracia, Febrero-Agosto, 2019en_US

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