• What trauma patients need: the European dilemma 

      Hietbrink, Falco; Mohseni, Shahin; Mariani, Diego; Naess, Päl Aksel; Rey‑Valcarcel, Cristina; Biloslavo, Alan; Bass, Gary A.; Brundage, Susan I.; Alexandrino, Henrique; Peralta, Ruben; Leenen, Luke P. H.; Gaarder, Tina (European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 2022-07-22)
      There is a need for implementation and maturation of an inclusive trauma system in every country in Europe, with patient centered care by dedicated surgeons. This process should be initiated by physicians and medical ...
    • What trauma patients need: the European dilemma 

      Hietbrink, Falco; Mohseni, Shahin; Mariani, Diego; Naess, Päl Aksel; Rey-Valcárcel, Cristina; Biloslavo, Alan; Bass, Gary A.; Brundage, Susan I.; Alexandrino, Henrique; Peralta, Ruben; Leenen, Luke P. H.; Gaarder, Tina (European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 2022)
      There is a need for implementation and maturation of an inclusive trauma system in every country in Europe, with patient centered care by dedicated surgeons. This process should be initiated by physicians and medical ...
    • What trauma patients need: the European dilemma 

      Hietbrink, Falco; Mohseni, Shahin; Mariani, Diego; Naess, Päl Aksel; Rey‑Valcarcel, Cristina; Biloslavo, Alan; Bass, Gary A.; Brundage, Susan I.; Alexandrino, Henrique; Peralta, Ruben; . Leenen, Luke P. H; Gaarder, Tina (European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 2022-07-07)
      There is a need for implementation and maturation of an inclusive trauma system in every country in Europe, with patient centered care by dedicated surgeons. This process should be initiated by physicians and medical ...
    • Work related injuries in Qatar: a framework for prevention and control 

      Mehmood, Amber; Maung, Zaw; Consunji, Rafael J.; El-Menyar, Ayman; Peralta, Rubén; Al-Thani, Hassan; Hyder, Adnan A. (Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, 2018)
      Work related injuries (WRIs) are a growing public health concern that remains under-recognized, inadequately addressed and largely unmeasured in low and middle-income countries (LMIC's). However, even in high-income ...
    • Work-related injuries in Qatar for 1 year: an initial report from the work-related injury unified registry for Qatar 

      Consunji, Rafael; El-Menyar, Ayman; Hirani, Nazia; Abeid, Aisha; Al-Thani, Hassan; Hardan, Muhammad S; Chauhan, Sailesh; Kasem, Hasan; Peralta, Ruben (Qatar Medical Journal, 2022)
      The Ministry of Public Health National Health Strategy 2018 – 2022 has recognized the need for accurate, updated, and representative data that truly reflects the occupational health and safety status in Qatar. In 2015, the ...
    • Working Group recommendations for the practice of teleneuropsychology in Latin America 

      Crivelli, Lucía; Quiroz, Yakeel T.; Calandri, Ismael L.; Martin, María E.; Velilla, Lina M.; Cusicanqui, María I.; Coto Yglesias, Fernando; Llibre-Rodríguez, Juan J; Armele, Monserrat; Román, Fabián; Barceló, Ernesto; Dechent, Claudia; Carello, María Agostina; Olavarría, Loreto; Yassuda, Mônica S; Custodio, Nilton; Dansilio, Sergio; Sosa, Ana L.; Acosta, Daisy M.; Brucki, Sonia M.D.; Caramelli, Paulo; Slachevsky, Andrea; Nitrini, Ricardo; Carrillo, María C.; Allegri, Ricardo F. (Arch Clin Neuropsychol, 2021-09-20)
      eleneuropsychology (teleNP) could potentially expand access to services for patientswho are confined, have limited personal access to healthcare, or live in remote areas. The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has ...
    • X-ray fluorescence characterization of ming-dynasty porcelain rescued from a spanish shipwreck 

      Mazo-Gray, V.; Alvarez, M. (wiley, 1992-02)
      A radioisotope induced X-ray fluorescence method was used to measure trace elements in Ming porcelain. Thirty pieces of blue-and-white Chinese porcelain, belonging to the Ch'eng Hua reign (AD 1465-87) and rescued from a ...