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dc.contributor.authorBrahm, Javier
dc.contributor.authorContreras, Fernando
dc.identifier.citationBrahm J, Contreras F. Latin American Association for the Study of the Liver. Hepatol Commun. 2016 Dec 5;1(1):76-78. doi: 10.1002/hep4.1015. PMID: 29404436; PMCID: PMC5747035.DOI 10.1002/hep4.1015en_US
dc.description.abstractFounded in Sao Paulo in 1968, the Latin American Association for the Study of the Liver (ALEH) was created by enthusiastic hepatologists from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Venezuela. The creation of this Society was inspired by both the European and the American Liver Associations. ALEH represents 14% of the world territory, accounting for more than 650 million people living in English‐, Spanish‐, and Portuguese‐speaking countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. The mission is to promote the importance of the study of the liver through a variety of activities, including the global exchange of specialists sharing their experiences in the clinic and in their research centers. ALEH's vision is focused on building and promoting leadership for and within the region. We value the perspectives of local and international thought leaders and hope to be the catalyst for ongoing scientific collaboration.en_US
dc.publisherHepatology Communications published by Wiley Periodicalsen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 1;No.1
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectAsociación Latinoamericana para el Estudio del Hígado (ALEH)en_US
dc.titleLatin American Association for the Study of the Liveren_US

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