• Early high ratio platelet transfusion in trauma resuscitation and its outcomes 

      Peralta, Ruben; Vijay, Adarsh; El-Menyar, Ayman; Consunji, Rafael; Afifi, Ibrahim; Mahmood, Ismail; Asim, Mohammed; Latifi, Rifat; Al-Thani, Hassan (International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science, 2016)
      The optimal ratio of platelets (PLTs) to packed red blood cell (PRBC) in trauma patients requiring massive transfusion protocol (MTP) is still controversial. This report aims to describe the effect of attaining a high ...
    • Early major fracture care in polytrauma—priorities in the context of concomitant injuries: A Delphi consensus process and systematic review 

      Pfeifer, Roman; Karl-Ludwig Klingebiel, Felix; Balogh, Zsolt J; Beeres, Frank J.P; Coimbra, Raul; Fang, Christian; Giannoudis, Peter V; Hietbrink, Falco; Hildebrand, Frank; Kurihara, Hayato; Lustenberger, Thomas; Marzi, Ingo (Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 2024)
      The timing of major fracture care in polytrauma patients has a relevant impact on outcomes. Yet, standardized treatment strategies with respect to concomitant injuries are rare. This study aims to provide expert recommendations ...
    • Education for the future in Latin American university educational models 

      Benites, Lilliam Enriqueta Hidalgo; Villalba-Condori, Klinge Orlando; Hidalgo, Gema Palmira Gálvez; Rondon, David; Mamani-Calcina, Jorge (Elsevier B.V, 2023)
      The theoretical review article carries out an analysis of the challenges that Latin America faces in the post-pandemic stage in relation to university education, looking to the future, and does so from the reflection of ...
    • Effect of GNSS on-board and user antennas phase center calibration on high accuracy positioning applications 

      Lisi, M.; Rodríguez Mejía, J.G.; Taveras Polanco, E.L. (FGM Events LLC, 2019)
      The paper reviews the impacts of satellite and user antenna PCO’s and PCV’s on positioning accuracy, with special attention to high accuracy applications, such as geodetic mapping and infrastructures surveying by UAV’s.
    • The effect of massive transfusion protocol implementation on the survival of trauma patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis 

      Consunji, Rafael; Elseed, Alaa; El-Menyar, Ayman; Sathian, Brijesh; Rizoli, Sandro; Al-Thani, Hassan; Peralta, Ruben (Blood Transfus, 2020-03-15)
      Massive transfusion protocol (MTP) has been widely adopted for the care of bleeding trauma patients but its actual effectiveness is unclear. An earlier meta-analysis on the implementation of MTP for injured patients from ...
    • Effects of education and culture on the validity of the Geriatric Mental State and its AGECAT algorithm. 

      Prince, Martin J.; Acosta, Daisy; Chiu, Helen; Copeland, John; Dewey, Michael E.; Scazufca, Marcia; Varghese, Mathew (British Journal of Psychiatry, 2004)
      The Geriatric Mental State (GMS) is the most widely used psychiatric research assessment for older persons. Evidence for validity comes from the developed world. Aims: To assess the validity of GMS/AGECATorganicity and ...
    • Elucidating the neuropathologic mechanisms of SARS-cov-2 infection. 

      Pacheco Herrero, Mar; Soto Rojas, Luis O.; Harrington, Charles R.; Flores Martínez, Yazmín M.; Villegas Rojas, Marcos M.; León Aguilar, Alfredo M.; Martínez Gómez, Paola A.; Campa Córdoba, B. Berenice; Apátiga Pérez, Ricardo; Corniel Taveras, Carolin N.; Domínguez García, Jesabelle de J.; Blanco Alvarez, Víctor Manuel; Luna Muñoz, José (Frontiers in Neurology, 2021-04-12)
      The current pandemic caused by the new severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has become a public health emergency. To date, March 1, 2021, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has caused about 114 ...
    • Empathic diagnosis among medical students in the Dominican Republic: declination and gender 

      Silva-Vetri, M.G; Valdéz, B.S.; Santana, M.R.C; Calzadilla-Núñez, A; Díaz-Narváez, V.P. (Revista de la Facultad de Medicina, 2021)
      Introduction: Empathic decline is characterized by a decrease in the levels of empathy. Objective: To diagnose empathic behavior in students of the Pedro Henríquez Ureña National University School of Medicine, Santo Domingo, ...
    • Empathy in Professors and Students of a School of Dentistry in the Caribbean 

      Díaz-Narváez, Víctor Patricio; Silva-Vetri, María Guadalupe; Calzadilla-Núñez, Aracelis; Lopez García, Ana Leonides; Portilla Lopez, Ana de la; Reyes-Reyes, Alejandro (Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica Integrada, 2022-07-29)
      To estimate and compare the levels of empathy between undergraduate dentistry students and professors at a university in the Dominican Republic. Material and Methods: Cross-sectional and descriptive study. The studied ...
    • Empathy levels among dental students and professors from a dental school in the Dominican Republic 

      Díaz-Narváez, Víctor Patricio; Silva-Vetri, María Guadalupe; Stocklin, Boni; González-Díaz, Eugenia; Calzadilla-Núñez, Aracelis; Torres-Martínez, Pilar; Reyes-Reyes, Alejandro (Rev. Fac. Med., 2021-06-30)
      The concept of empathy has been incorporated as one of the key elements for the achievement of the teaching-learning process goals in health science students. To estimate and compare the levels of empathy among dental ...
    • Endoscopic sutured gastroplasty: procedure evolution from first-in-man cases through current technique 

      Kumar, Nitin; Abu Dayyeh, Barham K; Lopez-Nava Breviere, Gontrand; Galvao Neto, Manoel P; Sahdala, Nicole P; Shaikh, Sohail N.; Hawes, Robert H.; Gostout, Christopher J.; Goenka, Mahesh K.; Orillac, Jorge R.; Alvarado, Alonso; Jirapinyo, Pichamol; Zundel, Natan; Thompson, Christopher C. (PublMed, 2018)
      Endoscopic sutured gastroplasty (ESG) has evolved over time. With the advent of full-thickness endoscopic suturing, an efficient technique for ESG was developed and refined. This prospective first-in-man trial started in ...
    • Endoscopic treatment of gastrointestinal leaks 

      Zundel, Natan; Galvão Neto, Manoel; Quadros, Luiz Gustavo de; Pena Sadhala, Nicole; Oliveira Azor, Fernanda (Springer, Cham, 2023-03)
      Gastrointestinal leaks are severe complications after bariatric surgery, mainly related to postoperative anastomotic defects with substantial morbidity and mortality. Surgical interventions can be complicated with high ...
    • Engaging students in secondary science learning through the scientific and engineering practices and use of digital tools 

      Lavonen, Jari; Vera-Vasquez, , Cesar Gonzalo; Inkinen, Janna; Juuti, Kalle; Salmela-Aro, Katarina; Villalba-Condori, Klinge (Elsevier B.V.,, 2023)
      Policy documents have suggested that school science should represent real scientific and engineering practices and use of digital tools, in order to raise students’ low levels of interest and engagement in science learning. ...
    • Epidemiological intelligence fusion centers: health security and COVID-19 in the Dominican Republic 

      Craig Douglas, Albert; Amado Baez, Alejandro; Hunter, Lance; Heslen, John; Rutland, Josh (2022-07-22)
      Research on health security has focused on how many different political, economic, social, and health-related factors affect disease containment within states. However, largely missing from this scholarship is an examination ...
    • The epidemiology of dependency among urban-dwelling older people in the Dominican Republic: a cross-sectional survey. 

      Acosta, Daisy; Rottbeck, Ruth; Rodríguez Pichardo, Guillermina; Ferri, Cleusa P.; Prince, Martin J. (BMC Public Health, 2008)
      Demographic ageing, and the health transition will soon lead to large increases in the number of dependent older people in low and middle income countries. Despite its importance, this topic has not previously been ...
    • Epidemiology of needlesticks and other sharps injuries and injection safety practices in the Dominican Republic 

      Moro, Pedro L.; Moore, Arelis; Balcacer, Patricia; Montero, Alex; Díaz, Delissa; Gómez, Virgen; Gabic, Zacarias; Weniger, Bruce G. (2007)
      Contaminated sharps, such as needles, lancets, scalpels, broken glass, specimen tubes, and other instruments, can transmit bloodborne pathogens such as HIV, hepatitis B (HBV), and hepatitis C viruses (HCV). Methods: ...
    • Equity in the delivery of community healthcare to older people: Findings from 10/66 Dementia research group cross-sectional surveys in Latin America, China, India and Nigeria. 

      Albanese, Emiliano; Liu, Zhaorui; Acosta, Daisy; Guerra, Mariella; Huang, Yueqin; Jacob, K. S.; Jiménez Velázquez, Ivonne Z.; Llibre Rodríguez, Juan J.; Salas, Aquiles; Sosa, Ana Luisa; Uwakwe, Richard; Williams, Joseph D.; Borges, Guilherme; Jotheeswaran, A. T; Klibanski, Milagros G.; McCrone, Paul; Ferri, Cleusa P.; Prince, Martin J. (BMC Health Services Research, 2011)
      To describe patterns of recent health service utilisation, and consequent out-of-pocket expenses among older people in countries with low and middle incomes, and to assess the equity with which services are accessed and ...
    • Estimadores formales de Bayes en el modelo aleatorio general de clasificación doble cruzado 

      Sahai, Hardeo; Ramírez Martínez, Alcedo A. (Springer Link, 1978)
      Se desarrollaron algunos estimadores formales de Bayes de los componentes de varianza en el modelo de clasificación doble cruzado de efectos aleatorios con una observación por celda. La generalización de tales estimadores ...
    • Estimating impacts on developing countries of the decrease in U.S. training opportunities for foreign medical graduates. 

      Harrigton, William J.; Gotuzzo, Eduardo; Vial, Salvador; Restrepo M., Jorge; Baldi, José; Young, Philip M.; Defilló Ricart, Mariano; Guderian, Ronald; Harrigton, William J. Jr. (Academic Medicine, 1991)
      Between 1973 and 1983, the number of foreign nationals from developing nations who entered the United States for graduate medical education decreased by approximately 90%. Many of those who would have studied in the United ...
    • Estudio de los materiales constructivos de la catedral de Santo Domingo, Primada de América 

      Flores Sasso, Virginia; Prieto Vicioso, Esteban (REHABEND 2016, 2016-05)
      Todos los materiales, incluyendo los de construcción, sufren con el tiempo procesos de envejecimiento que se presentan como degradación y/o deterioro, especialmente los que están a la intemperie o en contacto con el ...