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dc.contributor.advisorPeña, Jesús
dc.contributor.advisorPepín, Josefina
dc.contributor.authorReinoso Tejada, Teófilo
dc.contributor.authorRamírez Báez, José del Carmen
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña. Vicerretoría de Postgrado Escuela de Postgrado
dc.identifier.citationReinoso Tejada, T., y Ramírez Báez, J. d. C. (2018). Propuesta de un plan de gestión para la alfabetización de adultos en el municipio de Santo Domingo Oeste 2016-2018. Tesis de maestría no publicada, Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.es_ES
dc.description.abstractConsciente de que la única vía de salir del subdesarrollo está en educar nuestra población y ante la falta de evidencias comprobables de los esfuerzos del estado y la sociedad para atender una franja que esta fuera de la educación formal nos hemos propuesto como objetivo de este estudio elaborar un Plan de Gestión para la alfabetización de adultos, en el municipio de Santo Domingo Oeste 2016-2018. Buscando una mayor eficiencia y control de la inversión y los resultados esperados; brindándonos la oportunidad académica de poner en práctica los conocimientos adquiridos a lo largo de esta maestría sobre las mejores prácticas en el abordaje de proyectos, en este caso aplicadas a un proyecto de tipo social. El abordaje del proyecto inicia con el proceso de investigación, identificando la importancia del tema, formulándolo e identificando las justificaciones y motivaciones, viendo el devenir histórico y los casos de países con resultados positivos y negativos demostrando la relación íntima entre pobreza y falta de educación, y que la vía de abordar el problema de manera exitosa ha sido con planes continuos, consistentes y que involucren de manera activa y participativa a todos los involucrados. La formulación del problema nos permitió ratificar la hipótesis del objetivo inicial y descomponerlo en objetivos específicos. El marco conceptual se ha apoyado sobre todo en la “Guía de los Fundamentos de Gestión de Proyectos, PMBOK” (Project Management Body of Knowledge), del Project Management Institute (PMI). La metodología de investigación implementada fue de tipo bibliográfica, descriptiva, con estudios exploratorios de las iniciativas y proyectos llevados a cabo, de campo, considerando los datos del grupo poblacional y producto de evaluar toda esa información ratificar las hipótesis iniciales y manejar la información de valor. De igual manera la investigación se hizo a través del estudio no experimental, por observación, de manera transeccional, describiendo y comparando la varíales conforme a un momento y la realidad única del municipio para generalizar y proponer un modelo predictivo. Conforme a las estimaciones poblacionales se estableció una muestra de 424 encuestas entre adultos analfabetos de 36 a 59 años de los sectores más poblados a partir de las fórmulas y métricas recomendadas y se recolecto información por observación directa, entrevistas, conversaciones y fotografías. Los datos recopilados se analizaron, compararon, verificaron y apoyamos con fuentes secundarias como libros, publicaciones, normativas y estudios e informes relacionados que nos brindaron información del tipo no probabilística. Unificar y validar la información nos ayudó a proponer como primer resultado una base de datos consolidada del grupo poblacional de analfabetos adultos del municipio Santo Domingo oeste y sus perfiles y segmentación socio económica, arrojando un resultado que fortalece este trabajo estableciendo que un 70.99% de los encuestados quiere aprender a leer y escribir. Entrando en la materia que nos ocupa cuantificamos la población a intervenir de adultos mayores iletrados, desarrollamos el Project Chárter para formalizar el inicio del proyecto y abordamos la EDT lo que nos permitió establecer el camino a seguir para lograr el resultado esperado y sirvió de base para establecer todo el trabajo necesario, los entregables, el presupuesto y el cronograma de la propuesta. Podemo concluir que esta propuesta arroja grandes ventajas en el manejo administrativo por la cercanía de todos los involucrados, por la facilidad de monitoreo y control de todo el proceso, y por el costo de inversión por persona, sensiblemente más bajo que los proyectos aplicados o en ejecución en el país. Aware that the only way out of underdevelopment is to educate our population and in the absence of verifiable evidence of the efforts of the state and society to address a fringe that is outside formal education we have proposed as the objective of this study to elaborate a Management Plan for adult literacy, in the demarcation of the City of Santo Domingo Oeste 2016-2018. Looking for greater efficiency and control of the investment and the expected results; giving us the academic opportunity to put into practice the knowledge acquired throughout this master's degree on the best practices in the approach of projects, in this case applied to a social project. The approach of the project begins with the research process, identifying the importance of the topic, formulating it and identifying the justifications and motivations, seeing the historical evolution and the cases of countries with positive and negative results demonstrating the intimate relationship between poverty and lack of education, and that the way to approach the problem successfully has been with continuous, consistent plans that involve all those involved actively and participatively. The formulation of the problem allowed us to ratify the hypothesis of the initial objective and break it down into specific objectives. The conceptual framework has been supported above all in the "Project Management Fundamentals Guide, PMBOK" (Project Management Body of Knowledge), of the Project Management Institute (PMI). The research methodology implemented was bibliographic, descriptive, with exploratory studies of the initiatives and projects carried out, field, considering the data of the population group and product of evaluating all that information to ratify the initial hypotheses and manage the value information. In the same way, the research was done through non-experimental study, by observation, in a transectional way, describing and comparing the variables according to a moment and the unique reality of the municipality to generalize and propose a predictive model. According to the population estimates, a sample of 424 surveys among illiterate adults aged 36 to 59 from the most populated sectors was established based on the recommended formulas and metrics and information was collected by direct observation, interviews, conversations and photographs. The data collected was analyzed, compared, verified and supported with secondary sources such as books, publications, regulations and related studies and reports that provided us with non-probabilistic information. Unifying and validating the information helped us to propose as a first result a consolidated database of the population group of adult illiterates of the Santo Domingo West municipality and their profiles and socio-economic segmentation, yielding a result that strengthens this work establishing that 70.99% of the respondents want to learn to read and write. Going into the matter that concerns us we quantify the population to intervene of illiterate older adults, we developed the Project Charter to formalize the beginning of the project and we tackled the EDT which allowed us to establish the way to follow to achieve the expected result and served as the basis for establish all the necessary work, the deliverables, the budget and the schedule of the proposal. Wecan conclude that this proposal has great advantages in administrative management due to the proximity of all those involved, the ease of monitoring and control of the entire process, and the investment cost per person, significantly lower than the projects applied or in execution in the country.es_ES
dc.description.abstractAware that the only way out of underdevelopment is to educate our population and in the absence of verifiable evidence of the efforts of the state and society to address a fringe that is outside formal education we have proposed as the objective of this study to elaborate a Management Plan for adult literacy, in the demarcation of the City of Santo Domingo Oeste 2016-2018. Looking for greater efficiency and control of the investment and the expected results; giving us the academic opportunity to put into practice the knowledge acquired throughout this master's degree on the best practices in the approach of projects, in this case applied to a social project. The approach of the project begins with the research process, identifying the importance of the topic, formulating it and identifying the justifications and motivations, seeing the historical evolution and the cases of countries with positive and negative results demonstrating the intimate relationship between poverty and lack of education, and that the way to approach the problem successfully has been with continuous, consistent plans that involve all those involved actively and participatively. The formulation of the problem allowed us to ratify the hypothesis of the initial objective and break it down into specific objectives. The conceptual framework has been supported above all in the "Project Management Fundamentals Guide, PMBOK" (Project Management Body of Knowledge), of the Project Management Institute (PMI). The research methodology implemented was bibliographic, descriptive, with exploratory studies of the initiatives and projects carried out, field, considering the data of the population group and product of evaluating all that information to ratify the initial hypotheses and manage the value information. In the same way, the research was done through non-experimental study, by observation, in a transectional way, describing and comparing the variables according to a moment and the unique reality of the municipality to generalize and propose a predictive model. According to the population estimates, a sample of 424 surveys among illiterate adults aged 36 to 59 from the most populated sectors was established based on the recommended formulas and metrics and information was collected by direct observation, interviews, conversations and photographs. The data collected was analyzed, compared, verified and supported with secondary sources such as books, publications, regulations and related studies and reports that provided us with non-probabilistic information. Unifying and validating the information helped us to propose as a first result a consolidated database of the population group of adult illiterates of the Santo Domingo West municipality and their profiles and socio-economic segmentation, yielding a result that strengthens this work establishing that 70.99% of the respondents want to learn to read and write. Going into the matter that concerns us we quantify the population to intervene of illiterate older adults, we developed the Project Charter to formalize the beginning of the project and we tackled the EDT which allowed us to establish the way to follow to achieve the expected result and served as the basis for establish all the necessary work, the deliverables, the budget and the schedule of the proposal. Wecan conclude that this proposal has great advantages in administrative management due to the proximity of all those involved, the ease of monitoring and control of the entire process, and the investment cost per person, significantly lower than the projects applied or in execution in the country.
dc.format.extent89 p.
dc.publisherSanto Domingo: Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, 2018es_ES
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.sourceTesis de Maestría
dc.subjectEducación de adultoses_ES
dc.subjectAlfabetización de adultos
dc.titlePropuesta de un plan de gestión para la alfabetización de adultos en el municipio de Santo Domingo Oeste 2016-2018es_ES

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